Entrepreneurship in Politics — by Emma Boyd

Before getting involved in yCITIES in seventh grade, I had absolutely no idea what entrepreneurship was. I had barely heard the word used before and what little grasp on the concept I had was made up of mental images of men with briefcases, talk of investment and stocks, and a focus on STEM. It didn’t seem like something that would interest me, a thirteen year old who was more interested in literature and politics. However, that perspective quickly changed: over the past six years, I have been involved with yCITIES as a competitor, a volunteer, and now as the communications manager. The extent of what I’ve learned over the past years cannot be condensed into a column in a newsletter, but the slew of new knowledge in entrepreneurship, public speaking,…
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False Idols in Entrepreneurship — by Megan Balani

False Idols in Entrepreneurship — by Megan Balani

(Getty Images/Ringer illustration) When I was younger, I used to look up to entrepreneurs such as Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. In retrospect, I had this naivete believing that anyone ... no matter what age, gender, socioeconomic background, or whatever ... could obtain their same positions. As a sociology major, I learn about how inequalities in the distant past are still incredibly prevalent today. In fact, a lot of the “tech gods” that we worship built their legacy off of such inequalities. The single narrative of anyone being able to be in the positions of Musk and Bezos ignores the structural advantages and concentrated affluence that they have. Financially speaking, Musk’s parents profited off of apartied. Zuckerberg’s family was the first investor in Facebook. They act as if each person…
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