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3. Select “Youth CITIES” to receive donations  

4. Start shopping! Whether it’s holiday shopping or recurring orders of paper towels, doing so through AmazonSmile helps Youth CITIES!

5. Add a bookmark for AmazonSmile, as your shopping must originate from in order for the donations to happen.  

Or simply click here, choose Youth CITIES, and get started!

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Can You Make A Kid Care in 90 Seconds?

It’s hard enough to tell a complex concept so that a kid can understand it, but to tell it in a way that a kid will care about it? This ability is a gift that few possess naturally, but it is a skill that can be honed.

Whether you are a scientist trying to convey an important message for the public to take action, an entrepreneur trying to convince investors to give you money, an engineer that needs to communicate with non-technical colleagues or customers — do you think you can make your value proposition so clear, a kid can understand why it’s so awesome? Sign up to test your value proposition below or at!