April Entrepreneur Spotlight

For the first time, the spotlight will shift to a different timezone. The chapter of Youth CITIES in St. Louis, MO has officially been launched and is hosting its own March to May bootcamp alongside its sister in Boston. This month’s Newsletter will feature the Director of the Bootcamp in Missouri, Keith Turner. Keith is a serial entrepreneur that, while starting several of his own companies over the last decade, has found value in the youth and entrepreneurial communities in St. Louis.

Keith Turner is the President of TurnGroup Technologies, LLC, a company that he founded in April of 2002. TurnGroup is an IT consulting firm that provides cost-effective technology solutions to small corporations and nonprofits. His involvement in both the entrepreneurial community has earned him the “Salutation to Youth Leaders” award. He’s found that by working with kids, he can shape their goals and aspirations and give them a more focused direction. Working with Youth CITIES, he’s been able to take his entrepreneurial talents and impart them onto a much younger generation.

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